Ellen Zegura, Professor
(Feb 2023 Complete CV)
I work in two areas. My longstanding research interests are in computer networking with a focus on application and network-layer services. My more recent research is in computing and its role in addressing pressing social problems. For international work this area is called ICTD (D=Development).

Mobile Computing over Intermittently Connected Networks
In this NSF funded project we generalize the remote mobile computing paradigm to enable its operation in the presence of intermittent connectivity. This in turn provides the important ability to leverage more compute resources including those provided by intermittently connected cloudlets and even those available in other mobile devices.
Students: Karim Habak, Alireza Monafred (graduated), Ahmed Saeed

Virtual Networks
In this project we study virtual networks with two focus areas. The first is migration, which is useful when VN needs change, when substrate resources change, or when agility is desired to avoid detection or tracking. The second is the use of virtual networks to create zero-AS-hop networks.
Students: Samantha Lo (graduated), Yimeng Zhao

Tribal Net
In this NSF funded project we examine connectivity on Native American tribal lands, where Internet connectivity is as low as 10%. We have a 2+ year data collection effort that captures all header data in and out of the Tribal Digital Village network, which serves tribes in Southern California. We are deploying white space networking to extend the TDV network, and we are studying the impact of new technologies on community members.
Students: Morgan Vigil (UCSB), Ragha Murali