Ellen Zegura, Professor
(Feb 2023 Complete CV)
Here are the recent courses I have been teaching.

Bits of Good VIP
I run a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) team connected to the Bits of Good student organization. Students work in teams on projects that come from external partners who work in the social good space, typically local nonprofits. A prior instance of this type of work is the Computing for Social Good course was created in 2008 and was offered once per year until 2016.

Technology and Sustainable Community Development
This new course is part of the 10-year Georgia Tech initiative called Serve Learn Sustain. The course includes content from Public Policy, Human-Centered Design and Community Engagement.

This special topics graduate course was offered in Spring 2017. It covered technologies such as Internet of Things, problem domains such as transportation, and cross-cutting socio-technical issues such as privacy and equality.